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Works Cited

"Sudan's 'lost boys' head for US".  BBC News, 2000.  Web.  1 December 2015.

"The Lost Boys of Sudan".  International Rescue Committee, 2014.  Web.  1 December 2015.

"Perspective: Sudan – Land of Water and Thirst; War and Peace".  Circle of Blue, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.                                                                                                                 <>.

Schulte, Peter.  "Defining Water Scarcity, Water Stress, and Water Risk: It’s Not Just Semantics".  Pacific Institute, 4 February 2014.  Web.  1 December 2015.                                                   <>.

"Home".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.  <>.

"Salva's Story"  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.  <>.

"The Need".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.  <>.

"How WFSS Transforms Lives".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.  <>.

"A Long Walk to Water FAQ".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  1 December 2015.  <>.

Shen, James.  "Average Water Use Per Person Per Day".  Data 360, 2010.  Web.  5 December 2015.  <>.

Gragert, Ed.  "Water=A Key to Education for All".  Huffington Post, 2014.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  < >.

Lehihi, Sentleeng, and Lucas Mothibedi.  "South Africa facing a water crisis".  SABC News, 18 Feb. 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.                                                                                                     <>.

Gragert, Ed.  "Water=A Key to Education for All".  Huffington Post, 2014.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  < >.

"Nautica + charity: water = Change".  Nautica, 2013.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"STEM-Works Blog".  WordPress, 2014 .  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"Photo Gallery".  JAM, 2014.  Web. 12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"South Sudan: 15,000 People Seek Refuge In New Camps in Upper Nile State".  Doctors Without Borders, 2014.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <                   news/field-news/article/south-sudan-15000-people-seek-refuge-in-new-camps-in-upper-nile-state.html>.

"Sudan's 'lost boys' head for US".  BBC News, 2000.  Web. 12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

Jimale, Farhan Mohamed. BBC News, 2011.  Web. 12 Dec. 2015.  <>.
Murphy, Kia.  Advocacy within the South Sudanese Diaspora Community.  2014.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <           within-the-south-sudanese-diaspora-community/>.

McNeish, Hannah.  "Analysis: South Sudan struggles to meet demand for education".  IRIN, 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.                     


"A Long Walk to Water FAQ".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"Home".  Water for South Sudan, 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"South Sudan".  WHI Water, 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"Home".  The Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan to the Royal Kingdom of Norway.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"South Sudan on Road to U.N. Membership as Fighting Continues".  Politic365, 2011.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <                       membership-as-fighting-continues/>.

DeWinter, Deborah.  "Who are the Lost Boys of Sudan?".  IRC, 2015.  Web.  12 Dec. 2015.  <>.

"The lost boys of the Sudan".  UNICEF.  JPEG.  10 December 2015.    <>.

Williams, Mary.  Brothers in Hope.  New York: LEE & LOW BOOKS Inc., 2005.  Print.

Park, Linda Sue.  A Long Walk to Water.  New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2010.  Print.

Dau, John Bul.  God Grew Tired of Us: A Memoir.  Washington: National Geographic, 2007.  Print.

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