The South Sudan Water Crisis
Average Water Consumed Daily In America vs. Africa
People are recommended to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily, which is the equivalent of half a gallon.
The average American uses anywhere from 50 to 100 gallons of water daily. This includes water consumed by sinks, toilets, showers, and baths.
In comparison, most Africans get less than a liter every day, which is roughly a fourth of a gallon, to use for all their needs when it is recommended to DRINK at least half a gallon.
780 million people do not have access to clean drinking water.
358 million of those people live in Africa.
On average, African women and children walk up to eight hours to the nearest water source, which is filthy and full of water borne disease.
A child dies every minute due to a water related disease, and water related disease causes more people to die than any form of violence, including war.
Many Africans die from Cholera, a disease caused by drinking filthy water that dehydrates the body. However, the best cure is clean water, but Africans can not get clean water, and often die from Cholera.
There are many illnesses that occur due to drinking water borne diseases, which are found in contaminated water.
Who Does Not Have Access to Safe Water?
Water Borne Diseases

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