The South Sudan Water Crisis
Make a Difference
Water for South Sudan
Water for South Sudan (WFSS) is a nonprofit organization that drills wells to provide clean drinking water for the citizens of Africa. Salva Dut, a Lost Boy of Sudan, began this group after his arrival in the United States. He is a dual-citizen in Africa and the United States, but spends most of his time in his homeland, South Sudan.
Don't you want to help people who don't have safe water? Help by spreading the word, gaining knowledge, or donating to help drill wells to provide clean drinking water to the Africans in need.
The African population needs your help! One way to help is to support WFSS. Click on the link below to visit Water for South Sudan's donation page. Every dollar helps! Even a small amount of money can prevent a child's death.

Raise Awareness
By simply raising awareness of the water crisis in Africa, and specifically South Sudan, YOU can help the people in need. Share WFSS and this website's link with friends and family to help get the word out.

Salva Dut, the founder of WFSS
Read About the Crisis
There are several books about the South Sudanese water crisis and the civil war.
The first three are directed towards readers 7-12 years old:
1. A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park
2. Brothers in Hope, by Mary Williams and illustrated by R. Gregory Christie
3. Lost Boy, Lost Girl: Escaping Civil War in Sudan, John Bul Dau
The following are recommended for older readers (14+ years):
4. What is the What, by Dave Eggers and Valentino Achak Deng
5. They Poured Fire On Us from the Sky, by Benjamin Ajak, Benson Deng, Alephonsian Deng, and Judy Bernstein
6. God Grew Tired of Us: A Memoir, by John Bul Dau and Michael S. Sweeney
You can read any of the previously listed books to gain more knowledge about this topic.
Also, WFSS's website provides a lot of valuable information about the South Sudan water crisis.
Visit WFSS at: www.waterforsouthsudan.org